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Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen

Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen

I had a lot of questions on what a 3D printing pen can be used for.
Here I did a quick ugly hack \ repair on my wife’s shaver. The power supply broke as in the pictures below.

I did a quick repair to demonstrate the usefulness of a 3D pen.
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 1
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 3
This is the 3D printing pen that I have and that I used for this repair.
I used the last piece of white PLA of a discarded roll to do the repair.
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 4
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 5
I filled the hole up with the pen from 1 side making sure that i melted the PLA into the power supply plastic to ensure a good bond between the 2 materials.

After that I used a fine file to give it  some shape to fit into the multiplug.
I did not spend a lot of time on this to make it look beautiful.
I was more interested in function, meaning a working power supply.

Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 6
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 7
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 8
Power Supply Repair with 3D Printing Pen 9
I have used my 3D printing pen for a variety of projects from joining 2 printed parts to 3d sculptures.
I hope this gives you some ideas of what else to do with your 3D pens.
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