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Calibrating your 3D Printer

What is the correct way to do 3D Printer calibrations?

One of the most time consuming and controversial thing on a 3D printer is calibration.
Once you have build your printer then it needs to be calibrated and tested.
Below is a typical square calibration cube used.
Image from MyMiniFactory and user iDig3Dprinting
What most of us, including myself did was to print it measure it and then adjust the steps in Marlin firmware then load it and print it again and again until we are satisfied.
Most 3d Printer has a printing area of at least 200mm and these cubes is usually about 20mm that is 1/10th of the printers capability.
Any errors in printing and measurement on these small cubes can be multiplied 10 times if you use the full bed capability to do a print.
Now why not use the full bed to do the calibrations?
Would it not be 10 times more accurate to print a larger item of say 200mm and then measure it and adjust your Marlin software.
This will save you time and make your prints more accurate.
I have found these calibration sticks on YouMagine:
There is different lengths available and you can print the biggest one to fit your printer.
Place one of these sticks in the x direction and do the print. measure and adjust your Marlin firmware.
Then position the calibration stick in the y direction and repeat the process.
Note: This will not work work for the Z direction. I will cover this in another post as well as extruder calibration.
I discovered my printers calibration out the other day as a result of other work I did on the printer.
Remember to check your calibrations if you did some work and on a regular basis to keep it printing beautiful objects.
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